A swimming pool is a place where you can exercise, relax and have fun. A pool owner knows that along with the pool comes the requisite of pool maintenance. Nevertheless, you can take benefits from your pool without spending large amounts on your electricity bills. It’s regarding how to make use of energy-saving alternatives wherever possible for maintaining your swimming pool. Here is the information that you require knowing.
Energy Save Pool Maintenance
Make Use of a Solar Powered Pool Pump
The single most crucial constituent of your pool maintenance is your pool pump. Your pool pump is solely responsible for cleaning the pool water as well as filtering it and making the pool clean and hygienic so that you and your family can swim. Conventional pool pumps can swallow a lot of electricity, however, now you have an alternative and that is a solar-powered pool pump. Utilising Sun’s free energy, solar-powered pool pumps function, which means you don’t require your regular electricity supply to operate your pool pump. Because a solar-powered pool pump makes use of a brushless DC motor, it is more resourceful compared to the regular pool pump. In both saltwater and chlorinated pools, solar-powered swimming pool pumps work fine.
Operate Your Pool Pump When Needed Only
Suppose you have a pool pump that operates on regular electricity, you can certainly save energy by changing how you utilise your pool pump. Avoid operating your pump for over 4 hours on the days when you don’t use your pool. Indeed, on days when your pool usage is normal or a bit more than normal, you’ll require running your pump for a prolonged duration; however, it is all about reducing your pump usage wherever you can. Additionally, you can think of altering your single-speed pool pump to a more resourceful 2-speed or variable-speed pool pump, as these will operate on the lowest setting required at the time as compared to a single-speed pump that operates at maximum speed constantly.
Make Use of a Solar Pool Cover
A solar pool cover is purposefully made to shield your pool when it’s not used and it’s good for assisting you to save precious energy as it averts debris from falling into the water, which otherwise is required to be filtered out using your pool pump. Remember, the lesser debris that is in the water, the lesser you’ll have to operate your pump.
Consider Inserting Automated Controls into Your Swimming Pool
A great way to minimise energy consumption and enhance energy competence is by inserting some type of automated controls into your swimming pool. Automatic pool controllers and pool timers are brilliant for this, as they will activate the pump when it’s needed and stop the pump when it’s not needed. This will ensure that your pool obtains the most favorable filtration but the pump will not be functioning for longer than the required period. In case, you cannot install fully automated controls, at the very minimum, add a manual time switch to your swimming pool. This will operate the pool pump for the period you specify. Although it’s not as competent as the automated controls, it will certainly reduce the possibility of you forgetting to switch off the pump and, thereby, avoid having it operate for more hours than it’s actually required.
Here are some excellent products, which will make the work of maintaining your swimming pool simple.
Incredible Filters
Over the years, filters have made tremendous progress and the latest filters require less maintenance. The cartridge filters come with a shell around them and have smaller filters within them, which gives the water, a super-fine filtration. Cartridge filters just have to be blown out once or twice a year whereas the conventional sand filters have to be repeatedly extinguished, which requires more water and time.
In-Floor Cleaning Systems
In-floor cleaning systems are widely accepted because they remove the requirement of manually cleaning the pool. In-floor cleaning systems operate by having numerous heads on the pool’s floor that arise and force debris and other grime into a drain. The drain is constructed on the pool’s floor and has non-stop suction.
Shift to Salt
To minimise the amount of maintenance connected with your pool, saltwater chlorinators are excellent. Set up one of these and you’ll not require chlorinating your pool manually again. This is because saltwater chlorinators create their own chlorine and the majority of them operate on an automatic timer, which assists your pool to operate on low maintenance. The other benefits of using saltwater chlorinators are – they keep algae under control, they are much more gentle on your skin and they lower the cost of buying chemicals.
If you want to enquire about an inverter heat pump & solar pool heating system in Sydney, call us at Thermo Pools at 02 8850 4030 & Check our Google Reviews, and one of our expert and friendly teams will be happy to serve you! In case, you want more details to make your decision to choose solar energy, you can read our solar pool heating buyer guide.